Sniper Elite Wiki

Elite Zombies are a fairly common sub-boss type enemy in Zombie Army Trilogy. Originally members of the Waffen-SS, these Zombies have been specifically created to be smarter, stronger, and much more deadly than average zombies. Elite Zombies can also take a lot of abuse; whereas a normal Zombie would be killed in a single headshot, it can take up to 5 direct headshots to kill an Elite zombie. Explosives can deal a bit of damage, but similarly to headshots, they require multiple to be killed.

The Elite Zombies reappeared in Zombie Army 4 Dead War with some upgrades making them deadlier to deal with and they wear new clothing of the armed forces of the undertaker army.

Zombie Army Trilogy[]

Super Elite[]

a tall, slow-moving zombie. It carries an MG 42, as well as multiple belts of ammunition across his chest. It wears a helmet and a swastika armband on its left arm. One of only a few zombies with a ranged attack, he will slowly walk towards the players while firing his MG42. A player can be downed within a few seconds of direct fire from The Machine Gunner, so cover is very important when fighting them. 10 headshots with a rifle is enough to kill one. The bullets from the super elite are capable of killing any zombies unfortunate enough to be in front on him.

Chainsaw Elite[]

much rarer than the Machine Gunners. They are also much faster and chase the player with their chainsaw. Like Fire Demons, the Chainsaw elites will sometimes stop for a moment to rest. Strangely, if they are shot in the head, they do a dance similar to horror antagonist Leatherface before continuing their pursuit of the player.

Fire Demons []

slow-moving fiery zombies that can summon ignited zombies or turn normal zombies into ignited zombies by getting hit by a fireball. In Nazi Zombie Army 2, their original powers was just given a blast radius to all the zombie grunts who are in its range, making them all runners, thus making this a most likely and dangerous threat to be dealt with first. They’re well armored as the shield was surrounding it, but after the launch a fireball, summoning or igniting the blast radius, they will take a rest such as standing in ZAT while in NZA2, they will stand on their knee, and this makes them vulnerable to headshots. While most of their original uniform has burnt away from the hellflames emanating from their bodies, their helmets, kit straps and belt buckles seem to be left intact. Before launching a fire ball, summoning more of their minions, or giving a blast radius to make runners they speak in a demonic language

Zombie Army 4: Dead War[]

Zombie Elites, often known as "Heavies" return in Zombie Army 4: Dead War. There are also new Elite Zombies know as Officer Zombies.

Elites Zombies carry heavy weapons and wear armored helmets with glowing Swastikas (or Pentagrams in marketing) which cover their weak points, glowing yellow bumps on the top of their head. After taking enough damage they will drop to their knees allowing a Takedown however the player must be quick as the Zombie will eventually stand back up and continue fighting. When Elite Zombies are killed they drop grenades, Flamers of course, dropping incendiaries.

In the DLCs Cultist versions of the Elites are encountered, they wear heavy armor making them harder to kill.


Heavy Flamers have black charred skin and wear gas masks, they also have a large fuel tank on their back. they use flamethrowers in close range, if the player runs away the Flamer can charge forward a short distance to get closer, Flamers drop Incendiary grenades when stomped. The Gas mask must be shot off to shoot the bumps on their head but the Fuel Tank can also be shot to more easily kill the Zombie making it the only Elite Zombie with two weak points.

The Cultist Flamer wear heavy armor and a skull with bull horns.


They wear helmets with spikes pointing downward, they also have ammo belts across their chest and ammo boxes and knives on their back. Heavy Gunners wield Heavy Machine Guns like the Super Elite and can easily kill the player, if the player is too close they can deliver a swift kick. the best option is to shoot from a distance where the bullets will mostly miss.

The Cultist Gunner wears heavy armor and a skull with boar horns.


Butcher Zombies wear the same helmet as the Gunner and wear butcher aprons with various cutting tools around their belt. They carry Buzzsaws very similar to the Chainsaw Elite, they even do the same moves. if the player is downed near a Butcher he will simply walk and plunge his Buzzsaw into the players chest instantly killing them, the best way to kill them is to shoot them until they kneel down then run over and us the Takedown to kill them with their own Buzzsaw.

The Cultist Butcher wears heavy armor and a rembat helmet skull.


  • The Flamers fuel tank resembles the fuel tank of the Flammenwerfer 35.
  • Flamers and Gunners have the same takedown with a grenade being shoved in their mouth, the Butchers takedown is unique.